Reward Regulations in Sports and Their Effects on Sporting Success: A Comparison of the USA and Türkiye
Sportif başarı, ödül sistemi, başarıAbstract
Sports reward systems are significant elements that influence countries' sports policies, cultural values, and athlete development processes. Comparing the reward systems between Turkey and the United States (USA) is valuable in understanding both countries' achievements in sports and the mechanisms that support these successes. The centralized structure of Turkey's sports reward systems indicates that local sports clubs and amateur athletes may not receive sufficient support. As a result, athletes who are active at the local level but do not achieve international success may experience decreased motivation and limited development opportunities. In the USA, the reward systems attract attention not only at the national level but also internationally. There is more effort in the USA to support and reward female athletes. The representation of women in sports is increasing, and rewards given to successful female athletes promote gender equality.
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