The Relationship Between the Distance Per Stroke and Swimming Time in a 50-Meter Freestyle Race for 11-12 Years Old Male Swimmers




distance per stroke, start, stroke count, stroke rate


The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of the distance per stroke on race performance and speed in 11-12-year-old swimmers, and to identify and enhance the athletes' performance. A total of 179 male swimmers aged 11-12, who have been licensed and actively participating for at least 3 years, were included in our study. The competitions were recorded with permission from the Turkish Swimming Federation. By analyzing the footage, the distance covered after the start, stroke counts, stroke frequencies, and race times were observed, and the distances covered per stroke were calculated. The obtained data were evaluated using IBM SPSS Statistics 24 software with Pearson and Spearman tests at a confidence interval of p<0.05. A moderate negative correlation was found between the distance covered per stroke and the performance (r=-0.587). Upon examining the results, it was found that the average distance covered per stroke of those ranked in the top twenty-four was greater than that of slower performers. The change in the distance covered per stroke during the first and second 25 meters of the 50-meter freestyle race was statistically significant (p<0.05). In conclusion, it was observed that the distance covered per stroke significantly affects the speed in 50-meter freestyle races, indicating its importance for observing a swimmer's performance and technical capacity. The results of this research offer a different perspective in the design of swimming training and education programs. Coaches and educators can develop more effective strategies to enhance the performance of young swimmers and improve training applications based on these findings.

Author Biography

Ali Özüak, Dr., Marmara University

Education 2009 Completed doctoral program on "The Effect of Different Arm Frequency Exercises on Middle Distance Swimmers' Performance". 2002 Received a license in ASCA Level 3 from the American Swimming Coach Association. 1996 Completed his Master's degree in Sports Science and Sports Health at Marmara University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, with a thesis titled "The Effect of Dryland Training on Swimmers' Performance". 1993 Graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports.   International Courses Attended Swimming 301 National Coaching Certification, Toronto (CAN) 2022 NCCP Coaching and Leading Effectively, Psychology of Performance, Managing Conflict 2022 NCCP Prevention and Recovery, Developing Athletic Abilities, Leading Drug-Free Sport 2022 Swimming 201 National Coaching Certification, Baltimore (CAN) 2021 NCCP Teaching and Learning, Basic Mental Skills, Canada 2020 Swimming 101 National Coaching Certification, Canada 2019 Bronze Cross & Bronze Medallion, Lifeguarding Academy Inc, Toronto, ON 2019 LEN International Seminar on "Rhythm in Swimming", Netherlands 2008 The Biomechanics Tests seminar, University of Florida, USA 2007   Experience 2020 - 2022 Academic exchange program, Brock University (Canada) 2008 Participated in the Administrative Management and Sports Review program "SKA" in Australia. 2007, 2009 Nich Baker Swimming Camp Director, Florida, USA 1999 – 2016 Member of the Technical Committee and Education Committee of the Swimming Federation.   Achievements 1. Head Coach of the Swimming National Team at the 2012 London Olympics 2. Head Coach of the Swimming National Team at the 2008 Beijing Olympics 3. Head Coach of the Swimming National Team at the 2005 Mediterranean Games 4. Head Coach of the Swimming National Team at the 2004 Athens Olympics 5. Recipient of the International Olympic Committee Scholarship in 2002 6. Head Coach of the Swimming National Team at the 2000 Sydney Olympics 7. 55-time International Swimming National Team Coach from 1997 to 2016.   National Books in the Field of Expertise Özüak A & Bozdoğan A, 2003, Basic Swimming Techniques, ISBN 975-8500-10-4, İl-Press Publications, Istanbul Özüak A, 2022, Fast Swimming with Techniques, Istanbul Tıp Publications, Istanbul   Projects 1. "Identification of threshold speeds of swimmers in the Canadian Summer Swimming Championships" ongoing since 2022 2. Member of the organizing committee for "Long-Term Athlete Development" by the Swimming Federation, 2007-2016 3. Member of the organizing committee for "Applicability of the Australian Swimming Model" by the Swimming Federation, 2014 4. Education Coordinator for the "Swim for All" Project at Beykoz Municipality, 2013 5. Participated in a 2-month swimming training project affiliated with the American Swimming Coach Association in Miami-Fort Lauderdale, USA, 2002.   Articles and Reviews Published in Primary Indexes 1. Ayabakan C, Akalın F, Mengütay S, Çotuk B, Odabaş İ, Özüak A, (2006), "Athlete's heart in Prepubertal Male Swimmers", Cardio Young, 2006, 16; s61-66, Cambridge University Press, ISSN 1047-9511 2. Ali Ozuak, Atakan Çağlayan, Differential Learning as an Important Factor in Training of Football Technical Skills, Journal of Education and Training Studies, Vol. 7, No. 6; June 2019 3. Ali Ozuak, Kamil Erdem An Investigation of the Effects of Exercises Applied on Unstable Surfaces on High School Students Journal of Education and Training Studies, Vol. 7, No. 6; June 2019, ISSN 2324-805X E-ISSN 2324-8068   Articles and Reviews Published in National Journals 1. Özüak A, Bozdoğan A, 1996, "Fun Methods Applicable in Butterfly Turns", Journal of Swimming Science and Technology, issue:11, p.16-19, Hacettepe University, ISSN 1300-3127, Ankara 2. Pınar S, Bozdoğan A, Özüak A, 1996, "FLEXIBILITY", Journal of Swimming Science and Technology, issue:11, p.20-25, Hacettepe University, ISSN 1300-3127, Ankara 3. İnal S, Özüak A., 2003, "Comparison of the Effects of Swimmer Postures on Their Performances", SPORTS RESEARCH JOURNAL, cit:7, issue:2, page: 67-73, September 2003, ISSN 1301-5656 4. Özüak A, (2005), "Why Do We Swim", Popular Science Magazine, p.25-28, 2005, issue:140   Abstracts, Papers, and Posters Presented at National Congresses (Symposiums, Workshops, Panels, etc.) 1. 1995, Planning Swimming Dryland Exercises, 1st National Swimming and Water Polo Symposium, Istanbul, paper 2. 2000, Özüak A, Pınar S, "Association of Start Reaction Times of Swimmers Participating in European Championships with Their Breaststroke Performances", Marmara University, 3rd International Sports Sciences Congress, Istanbul 3. 2000, Odabaş İ., Agopyan A., Özüak A., "Evaluation of Physical and Physiological Characteristics of Turkish National Team Participating in European Championships", Marmara University, 3rd International Sports Sciences Congress, Istanbul 4. 2004, "0380 Dark Stain Has Any Effects Swimmers Caries Experience?", CED NOF ID IADR, Istanbul, paper   Training Organizations Attended 1. 2018 "Step by Step Development and Socialization", Spastic Children's Foundation, Ministry of Youth and Sports, paper 2. 2014-November, "17th Underwater Science and Technology Symposium", 3. April 2014, Swimming Federation "1st LEVEL COACH COURSE" Instructor 4. December 2013, Istanbul Sports Inc. "3rd Group SWIMMING COACH COURSE" Instructor 5. November 2013, Istanbul Sports Inc. "1st Group SWIMMING COACH COURSE" Instructor 6. November 2013, Istanbul Sports Inc. "2nd Group SWIMMING COACH COURSE" Instructor 7. May 2013, Swimming Federation "2nd LEVEL COACH COURSE" Instructor 8. January 2013, Swimming Federation "3rd LEVEL COACH COURSE" Instructor 9. Nov


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How to Cite

Şimşek, H. B., & Özüak, A. (2024). The Relationship Between the Distance Per Stroke and Swimming Time in a 50-Meter Freestyle Race for 11-12 Years Old Male Swimmers. Journal of OZ Sport Sciences, 1(2), 18–25.